Module pyboy.plugins.game_wrapper_kirby_dream_land

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# License: See file
# GitHub:
__pdoc__ = {
    "GameWrapperKirbyDreamLand.cartridge_title": False,
    "GameWrapperKirbyDreamLand.post_tick": False,

import pyboy
from pyboy.utils import PyBoyException

from .base_plugin import PyBoyGameWrapper

logger = pyboy.logging.get_logger(__name__)

class GameWrapperKirbyDreamLand(PyBoyGameWrapper):
    This class wraps Kirby Dream Land, and provides easy access for AIs.

    If you call `print` on an instance of this object, it will show an overview of everything this object provides.

    cartridge_title = "KIRBY DREAM LAN"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.score = 0
        """The score provided by the game""" = 0
        """The health provided by the game"""
        self.lives_left = 0
        """The lives remaining provided by the game"""
        self._game_over = False
        """The game over state"""

        super().__init__(*args, game_area_section=(0, 0, 20, 16), game_area_follow_scxy=True, **kwargs)

    def post_tick(self):
        self._tile_cache_invalid = True
        self._sprite_cache_invalid = True

        self.score = 0
        score_digits = 4
        for n in range(score_digits):
            self.score += self.pyboy.memory[0xD070 + n] * 10 ** (score_digits - n)

        # Check if game is over
        prev_health = = self.pyboy.memory[0xD086]
        if self.lives_left == 0:
            if prev_health > 0 and == 0:
                self._game_over = True

        self.lives_left = self.pyboy.memory[0xD089] - 1

    def start_game(self, timer_div=None):
        Call this function right after initializing PyBoy. This will navigate through menus to start the game at the
        first playable state.

        The state of the emulator is saved, and using `reset_game`, you can get back to this point of the game

            * timer_div (int): Replace timer's DIV register with this value. Use `None` to randomize.
        if self.game_has_started:
            raise PyBoyException("Gamewrapper already started! Use 'reset' instead.")

        # Boot screen
        while True:
            self.pyboy.tick(1, False)
            if self.tilemap_background[0:3, 16] == [231, 224, 235]:  # 'HAL' on the first screen

        # Wait for transition to finish (start screen)
        self.pyboy.tick(25, False)

        # Wait for transition to finish (exit start screen, enter level intro screen)
        self.pyboy.tick(60, False)

        # Skip level intro

        # Wait for transition to finish (exit level intro screen, enter game)
        self.pyboy.tick(60, False)

        PyBoyGameWrapper.start_game(self, timer_div=timer_div)

    def reset_game(self, timer_div=None):
        After calling `start_game`, you can call this method at any time to reset the game.

            * timer_div (int): Replace timer's DIV register with this value. Use `None` to randomize.
        PyBoyGameWrapper.reset_game(self, timer_div=timer_div)

    def game_area(self):
        Use this method to get a matrix of the "game area" of the screen.

              0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
          0  | 383 383 383 301 383 383 383 297 383 383 383 301 383 383 383 297 383 383 383 293
          1  | 383 383 383 383 300 294 295 296 383 383 383 383 300 294 295 296 383 383 299 383
          2  | 311 318 319 320 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 301 383 383
          3  | 383 383 383 321 322 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 300 294
          4  | 383 383 383 383 323 290 291 383 383 383 313 312 311 318 319 320 383 290 291 383
          5  | 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 383 383 315 314 383 383 383 383 321 322 383 383 383
          6  | 383 383 383 383 324 293 292 383 383 316 383 383 383 383 383 383 323 383 383 383
          7  | 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 298 383 317 383 383 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 383
          8  | 319 320 383 383 324 383 383 297 383 317 383 383 383 152 140 383 324 383 383 307
          9  | 383 321 322 383 324 294 295 296 383 325 383 383 383 383 383 383 326 272 274 309
          10 | 383 383 323 383 326 383 383 383 2   18  383 330 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331
          11 | 274 383 324 272 274 272 274 272 274 272 274 334 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328
          12 | 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328
          13 | 328 328 328 277 278 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 277 278 328 328 277 278 277
          14 | 328 277 278 279 281 277 278 328 328 277 278 277 278 279 281 277 278 279 281 279
          15 | 278 279 281 280 282 279 281 277 278 279 281 279 281 280 282 279 281 280 282 280

            Simplified 2-dimensional memoryview of the screen
        return PyBoyGameWrapper.game_area(self)

    def game_over(self):
        return self._game_over

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            "Kirby Dream Land:\n"
            + f"Score: {self.score}\n"
            + f"Health: {}\n"
            + f"Lives left: {self.lives_left}\n"
            + super().__repr__()


class GameWrapperKirbyDreamLand (*args, **kwargs)

This class wraps Kirby Dream Land, and provides easy access for AIs.

If you call print on an instance of this object, it will show an overview of everything this object provides.

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class GameWrapperKirbyDreamLand(PyBoyGameWrapper):
    This class wraps Kirby Dream Land, and provides easy access for AIs.

    If you call `print` on an instance of this object, it will show an overview of everything this object provides.

    cartridge_title = "KIRBY DREAM LAN"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.score = 0
        """The score provided by the game""" = 0
        """The health provided by the game"""
        self.lives_left = 0
        """The lives remaining provided by the game"""
        self._game_over = False
        """The game over state"""

        super().__init__(*args, game_area_section=(0, 0, 20, 16), game_area_follow_scxy=True, **kwargs)

    def post_tick(self):
        self._tile_cache_invalid = True
        self._sprite_cache_invalid = True

        self.score = 0
        score_digits = 4
        for n in range(score_digits):
            self.score += self.pyboy.memory[0xD070 + n] * 10 ** (score_digits - n)

        # Check if game is over
        prev_health = = self.pyboy.memory[0xD086]
        if self.lives_left == 0:
            if prev_health > 0 and == 0:
                self._game_over = True

        self.lives_left = self.pyboy.memory[0xD089] - 1

    def start_game(self, timer_div=None):
        Call this function right after initializing PyBoy. This will navigate through menus to start the game at the
        first playable state.

        The state of the emulator is saved, and using `reset_game`, you can get back to this point of the game

            * timer_div (int): Replace timer's DIV register with this value. Use `None` to randomize.
        if self.game_has_started:
            raise PyBoyException("Gamewrapper already started! Use 'reset' instead.")

        # Boot screen
        while True:
            self.pyboy.tick(1, False)
            if self.tilemap_background[0:3, 16] == [231, 224, 235]:  # 'HAL' on the first screen

        # Wait for transition to finish (start screen)
        self.pyboy.tick(25, False)

        # Wait for transition to finish (exit start screen, enter level intro screen)
        self.pyboy.tick(60, False)

        # Skip level intro

        # Wait for transition to finish (exit level intro screen, enter game)
        self.pyboy.tick(60, False)

        PyBoyGameWrapper.start_game(self, timer_div=timer_div)

    def reset_game(self, timer_div=None):
        After calling `start_game`, you can call this method at any time to reset the game.

            * timer_div (int): Replace timer's DIV register with this value. Use `None` to randomize.
        PyBoyGameWrapper.reset_game(self, timer_div=timer_div)

    def game_area(self):
        Use this method to get a matrix of the "game area" of the screen.

              0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
          0  | 383 383 383 301 383 383 383 297 383 383 383 301 383 383 383 297 383 383 383 293
          1  | 383 383 383 383 300 294 295 296 383 383 383 383 300 294 295 296 383 383 299 383
          2  | 311 318 319 320 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 301 383 383
          3  | 383 383 383 321 322 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 300 294
          4  | 383 383 383 383 323 290 291 383 383 383 313 312 311 318 319 320 383 290 291 383
          5  | 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 383 383 315 314 383 383 383 383 321 322 383 383 383
          6  | 383 383 383 383 324 293 292 383 383 316 383 383 383 383 383 383 323 383 383 383
          7  | 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 298 383 317 383 383 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 383
          8  | 319 320 383 383 324 383 383 297 383 317 383 383 383 152 140 383 324 383 383 307
          9  | 383 321 322 383 324 294 295 296 383 325 383 383 383 383 383 383 326 272 274 309
          10 | 383 383 323 383 326 383 383 383 2   18  383 330 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331
          11 | 274 383 324 272 274 272 274 272 274 272 274 334 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328
          12 | 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328
          13 | 328 328 328 277 278 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 277 278 328 328 277 278 277
          14 | 328 277 278 279 281 277 278 328 328 277 278 277 278 279 281 277 278 279 281 279
          15 | 278 279 281 280 282 279 281 277 278 279 281 279 281 280 282 279 281 280 282 280

            Simplified 2-dimensional memoryview of the screen
        return PyBoyGameWrapper.game_area(self)

    def game_over(self):
        return self._game_over

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            "Kirby Dream Land:\n"
            + f"Score: {self.score}\n"
            + f"Health: {}\n"
            + f"Lives left: {self.lives_left}\n"
            + super().__repr__()


Instance variables

var score

The score provided by the game

var health

The health provided by the game

var lives_left

The lives remaining provided by the game


def start_game(self, timer_div=None)

Call this function right after initializing PyBoy. This will navigate through menus to start the game at the first playable state.

The state of the emulator is saved, and using reset_game, you can get back to this point of the game instantly.


  • timer_div (int): Replace timer's DIV register with this value. Use None to randomize.
Expand source code
def start_game(self, timer_div=None):
    Call this function right after initializing PyBoy. This will navigate through menus to start the game at the
    first playable state.

    The state of the emulator is saved, and using `reset_game`, you can get back to this point of the game

        * timer_div (int): Replace timer's DIV register with this value. Use `None` to randomize.
    if self.game_has_started:
        raise PyBoyException("Gamewrapper already started! Use 'reset' instead.")

    # Boot screen
    while True:
        self.pyboy.tick(1, False)
        if self.tilemap_background[0:3, 16] == [231, 224, 235]:  # 'HAL' on the first screen

    # Wait for transition to finish (start screen)
    self.pyboy.tick(25, False)

    # Wait for transition to finish (exit start screen, enter level intro screen)
    self.pyboy.tick(60, False)

    # Skip level intro

    # Wait for transition to finish (exit level intro screen, enter game)
    self.pyboy.tick(60, False)

    PyBoyGameWrapper.start_game(self, timer_div=timer_div)
def reset_game(self, timer_div=None)

After calling start_game, you can call this method at any time to reset the game.


  • timer_div (int): Replace timer's DIV register with this value. Use None to randomize.
Expand source code
def reset_game(self, timer_div=None):
    After calling `start_game`, you can call this method at any time to reset the game.

        * timer_div (int): Replace timer's DIV register with this value. Use `None` to randomize.
    PyBoyGameWrapper.reset_game(self, timer_div=timer_div)
def game_area(self)

Use this method to get a matrix of the "game area" of the screen.

      0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
  0  | 383 383 383 301 383 383 383 297 383 383 383 301 383 383 383 297 383 383 383 293
  1  | 383 383 383 383 300 294 295 296 383 383 383 383 300 294 295 296 383 383 299 383
  2  | 311 318 319 320 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 301 383 383
  3  | 383 383 383 321 322 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 300 294
  4  | 383 383 383 383 323 290 291 383 383 383 313 312 311 318 319 320 383 290 291 383
  5  | 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 383 383 315 314 383 383 383 383 321 322 383 383 383
  6  | 383 383 383 383 324 293 292 383 383 316 383 383 383 383 383 383 323 383 383 383
  7  | 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 298 383 317 383 383 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 383
  8  | 319 320 383 383 324 383 383 297 383 317 383 383 383 152 140 383 324 383 383 307
  9  | 383 321 322 383 324 294 295 296 383 325 383 383 383 383 383 383 326 272 274 309
  10 | 383 383 323 383 326 383 383 383 2   18  383 330 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331
  11 | 274 383 324 272 274 272 274 272 274 272 274 334 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328
  12 | 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328
  13 | 328 328 328 277 278 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 277 278 328 328 277 278 277
  14 | 328 277 278 279 281 277 278 328 328 277 278 277 278 279 281 277 278 279 281 279
  15 | 278 279 281 280 282 279 281 277 278 279 281 279 281 280 282 279 281 280 282 280


Simplified 2-dimensional memoryview of the screen
Expand source code
def game_area(self):
    Use this method to get a matrix of the "game area" of the screen.

          0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
      0  | 383 383 383 301 383 383 383 297 383 383 383 301 383 383 383 297 383 383 383 293
      1  | 383 383 383 383 300 294 295 296 383 383 383 383 300 294 295 296 383 383 299 383
      2  | 311 318 319 320 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 301 383 383
      3  | 383 383 383 321 322 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 383 300 294
      4  | 383 383 383 383 323 290 291 383 383 383 313 312 311 318 319 320 383 290 291 383
      5  | 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 383 383 315 314 383 383 383 383 321 322 383 383 383
      6  | 383 383 383 383 324 293 292 383 383 316 383 383 383 383 383 383 323 383 383 383
      7  | 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 298 383 317 383 383 383 383 383 383 324 383 383 383
      8  | 319 320 383 383 324 383 383 297 383 317 383 383 383 152 140 383 324 383 383 307
      9  | 383 321 322 383 324 294 295 296 383 325 383 383 383 383 383 383 326 272 274 309
      10 | 383 383 323 383 326 383 383 383 2   18  383 330 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331
      11 | 274 383 324 272 274 272 274 272 274 272 274 334 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328
      12 | 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 331 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328
      13 | 328 328 328 277 278 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 277 278 328 328 277 278 277
      14 | 328 277 278 279 281 277 278 328 328 277 278 277 278 279 281 277 278 279 281 279
      15 | 278 279 281 280 282 279 281 277 278 279 281 279 281 280 282 279 281 280 282 280

        Simplified 2-dimensional memoryview of the screen
    return PyBoyGameWrapper.game_area(self)

Inherited members